Stray cats and dogs are a common in Malaysia but the impact on our society is still not common knowledge.
Did you know that one of the leading causes of Malaysia road accidents apart from speeding and traffic violations is due to stray animals wandering into the road? Stray animals tend to wander and hover around busy streets and occasionally run out to the main roads as vehicles pass by. As a result, drivers have the tendency to swerve to avoid hitting them and end up either crashing into road dividers and other road structures. Or worst, crashing into another vehicle
That is the reason why there is strong support from the Ministry of Health animal-friendly NGOs and animal shelters in Malaysia to take in the strays. In the event they are taken in, the most common action is the animals are captured and directly put down.
For most of the cases, methods used for putting down strays is done at minimal cost and not necessarily the most humane manner Some of the methods include poisoning the animals or even employing private individuals or groups to hunt them with weapons. Sadly the latter is what happens with most stray dogs.
The reasoning behind this is due to the assumed aggressive nature of dogs compared to cats.
There is a common solution that NGOs and animal shelters tend to adopt called TNRM. This is an acronym for Trap, Neuter, Release and Manage. TNRM has been tested in many countries and with largely positive results.
So instead of bringing in all the strays into their shelter, the pets are treated and neutered and managed back at locations they are released. This method helps the shelter to operate at minimal overhead expenses.
However, as the goal of our Ministry is still to be totally free of stray dogs and cats, most shelters still have no choice but to take back the stray otherwise the result would be having them put down but inhumane means.
This is the only way for them to ensure the protection and care for all the animals but results in overcrowding in shelters.
Just to give you an idea, the typical operations cost to keep a shelter running on a consistent basis can go to RM 10,000 or more on monthly basis depending on the size of the shelter.
The cost of operating an animal shelter is not just on feeding them but also providing them a place for them to stay as well as treatment if they get sick and most importantly neutering to prevent breeding.
Most of the animal shelters in our country are running without government subsidies and operational costs are from their own funds or donations. This is not sustainable in the long run.
In a nutshell, lets put our hands together to stop this nightmare. The quality of living of all the strays is everyone’s responsibility, we should be a role-
model for other to emulate. Malaysians are known for their hospitality and kindness. Let us show this towards all living beings. Together we can make a difference.
BOXO is always there helping them, Thank you so much for supporting us and start helping save life together.